Members Stories
Pembroke, June 2021 - Week 1
Author: Matt Newbound
Date: 13th Jun 2021

During 2019, Tessa organised a trip to Pembroke to dive with X, it was so over subsribed that she put on a second week. Then COVID-19 hit, and the two weeks were pushed back to 2021.
Those who were on week 1 had some really great weather, sunny or over cast most days, with great sea conditions. We only missed the last day.
We had a great number of dives around Schomer Island and dived on the Lucy and the Dacotian. We had a few kit failures which were annoying at the time, but funny afterwards – one DSMB reel that got snagged and broke on the boat bench and another member of the club who got a small hole in his drysuit boot, to only then end up pulling it off when trying to repair it!